
I am currently in the process of getting high-quality scans to upload. Eventually this page will show every album and single. Stand by. -L

Lavender Valley 1969 Stanley Davis

The eponymous album was produced and promoted by Portland newspaper owner Stanley Davis, who also happens to be my father.
Written and performed by Frances Hamilton and Beth Bailey.

Orange 1972 Disques Vogue

The debut album, and the first to be written and performed by the full trio.

J’aurais Aimé Être Un Papillon 1973 Disques Vogue

One of Disques Vogue's final releases during its original inception.

Atmosphérique 1975 Électro-Aimant

Liqueur de Pissenlit 1978 Électro-Aimant

Paulette 1980 (limited release) Électro-Aimant